1. Oktober 2003 Added 3 Yami no Matsuei wallpapers... two on Muraki and one Hisoka. Changed the tittle picture.... Thanks to Roy who gave me the idea about changing the banner. How's it look now? Any better? Other thatn that... I think nothing change..... Haven't got enough time to work this out anyway..... ^__^ 8. August 2003 Changed a bit here and there... actually, I merely put down the menu a bit... one paragraph... just to make sure it's more decently proportioned. Sigh... I'm thinking of re-making my banner... it looks too cheesy... any better idea? But I think I'll keep the water lily... in case I can't find a good lotus bulb to make use of.... 8. Juli 2003 I decided to change the buttons, trying to make this page a bit nicer... and I changed my Photo Album into My Gallery, because I also put wallpaper there. This will make it easier if you only want to see the wallpapers without having to see the way I look..... Hehehe... perhaps some of you has bored looking at me .... Oh, and I put a new wallpaper (again?? yes, again) ... this time it's Mylene Farmer.... You may never know who she is, but she's a great singer.... 29. Juni 2003 just made several more wallpapers and I'd love to put them here. Oh, I gotta say that I didn't scan the pics... I used some I found on the net... credits go to those who have "helped" me with scanning them!! By the way, they are used without permission. I will remove them if you don't like it... so don't sue me!! And I've got another short story up. It was written like 6 or 7 years ago and I put it here without further editing... just spare me if you find it rather cheesy, it was very old and not beta-read...... 3. Mai 2003 cleaned up the mess of this web... I give up using frames. Got things here and there added or changed a bit here and there. Namely, the Helloween Page, About Me, Links... well, almost all. Even I added several people on my dedication list. OK, but the real new ones are in the Dreamland. Got new stories up!! And by the way, I put up two wallpapers I made... just check out my photo album and go to the 2nd page!! 1. Februar 2003 I decided to turn down the frames for a while... I got jumbled with it. I don't know, I haven't really mastered it.... I got some new sories up at the Dreamland section. Enjoy!! 18. August 2002 Try to put the frames on. If this fails, I'll put them down. 5. August 2002 Changed all the colorful pages to this one... simply because I think this one looks the best of all. I'll soon be uploading more things up the net... so you'd better watch out! 4. Juli 2002 Added some poems and a short story, a link to the official Blind Guardian page.... What else? I guess that's all. 23. Oktober 2001 I added another story. If I'm not mistaken, this one will probably be in the next KMK-ITB's Lentera. Sorry, guys... but it's supposed to be in this page. Don't worry, not too many people visit my homepage. Grrrh... what a pessimistic yet realistic statement.... =P I want to add some other RA's but I guess I have to see which songs can be made less than 500Kb. Hehehe.... 16. Oktober 2001 OK... now I guess I have fixed some problems over the cells those crazy little cells are making me nervous. I want to make this page good-looking for any resolutions..... but I don't know... you tell me! Oh yeah, since 20m changed policy, I decided to get rid any files above 500kb. That's why there's only one RA left. Hehehe.... I'm not into paid stuff! 15. Oktober 2001 Got my guestbook running. And a better look for the page. I just hope that all those stupid little cells won't bother you guys anymore.